#松山 #英会話スクール #ブログ
Good morning everyone!
In the misty mountains of Alishan in central Taiwan, there is a flower that is said to be a gateway to the gods.
The Dendrobium orchid, or golden grass orchid, grows in clumps of between 10 and 20 on glossy green canes.
A yellow flower with a velvety orange-fringed centre, it is beautiful but odourless. To the indigenous Tsou people, it is known simply as the God Flower.
“My tribe has to have the God Flower for our ceremonies. Otherwise, God won’t be able to find us,” says tribal elder Gao Desheng.
「私の部族は私たちの儀式のためには神の花を持たなければなりません。そうでなければ、神は私たちを見つけることができません」と部族の長老Gao Deshengは言います。
It was once found in abundance, flowering outside Tsou homes.
それはかつて豊富に発見され、ツォウ族 の家の外で咲いていました。
But now the Tsou venture ever deeper and higher into the mountainous forests surrounding them in search of it.
Sometimes, they even scale trees to find the God Flower.
The tribe is convinced that climate change is to blame for this.
The winter must be cold enough – below about 12C – for the buds to form, so they can bloom in the spring.
冬は十分に寒くなければなりません – 約12C以下 – 芽が形成されるためには。そして春に咲くことができるのです。


In the misty mountains of Alishan in central Taiwan, there is a flower that is said to be a gateway to the gods.
The Dendrobium orchid, or golden grass orchid, grows in clumps of between 10 and 20 on glossy green canes.
A yellow flower with a velvety orange-fringed centre, it is beautiful but odourless. To the indigenous Tsou people, it is known simply as the God Flower.
“My tribe has to have the God Flower for our ceremonies. Otherwise, God won’t be able to find us,” says tribal elder Gao Desheng.
「私の部族は私たちの儀式のためには神の花を持たなければなりません。そうでなければ、神は私たちを見つけることができません」と部族の長老Gao Deshengは言います。
It was once found in abundance, flowering outside Tsou homes.
それはかつて豊富に発見され、ツォウ族 の家の外で咲いていました。
But now the Tsou venture ever deeper and higher into the mountainous forests surrounding them in search of it.
Sometimes, they even scale trees to find the God Flower.
The tribe is convinced that climate change is to blame for this.
The winter must be cold enough – below about 12C – for the buds to form, so they can bloom in the spring.
冬は十分に寒くなければなりません – 約12C以下 – 芽が形成されるためには。そして春に咲くことができるのです。
